Maple Procedures

Below are some various procedures to extend the functionality of Maple. For some additional details (or maybe clarity) you can see the PDF from a talk I gave here.


Download the procedure filename.m (below) and place it somewhere handy on your computer. Simply use the command

read `/directory/to/the/file/filename.m`;

to read the procedure into Maple. Then use, e.g.


to explain how to call the procedure properly. See the source code pages for more detailed information and examples.

Integration By Parts

ibp: ibp.m


physicsdiff: physicsdiff.m


2013-02-08 00:11:08 -0500	Physicsdiff v 0.3 || IBP v 0.5
2013-02-08 00:10:22 -0500	Tested for higher order derivatives. Release as new version.
2013-02-08 00:06:06 -0500	Physicsdiff now runs with a completely new algorithm. It should be capable of differentiating derivatives up to tenth order.
2013-01-27 20:14:59 -0500	Physicsdiff v 0.2 || IBP v 0.5
2013-01-27 20:14:22 -0500	Fixed a bug that occurs for powers of lone terms and improved tryhard.
2013-01-26 00:02:51 -0500	Declared variable overlap bug fixed in physicsdiff.
2013-01-25 22:06:32 -0500	Physicsdiff v 0.2 || IBP v 0.4
2013-01-25 16:06:23 -0500	Physicsdiff now handles simple arrays in dparam, for multivariable functions.
2012-09-06 13:43:44 -0400	Fixed a bug where IBP misses and kills lone terms.
2012-09-05 11:16:04 -0400	Physicsdiff v 0.1 || IBP v 0.4
2012-09-04 17:00:06 -0400	Initial commit of the test function for the physics derivative procedure.
2012-09-04 15:38:00 -0400	Added physics differentiation (using frontend)
2012-09-04 15:36:34 -0400	Added a test file for IBP
2012-08-23 00:10:53 -0400	Performed some garbage cleanup on variables.
2012-08-23 00:02:48 -0400	Version 0.4
2012-08-23 00:00:42 -0400	Restructured source. Tryhard option added for specific purposes.
2012-08-22 16:38:57 -0400	Corrected the previous bug with a failsafe.
2012-08-22 15:26:29 -0400	Bug: a power can cause ibp to return zero for an expression.
2012-08-21 23:17:58 -0400	Version 0.3
2012-08-21 23:12:09 -0400	Fixed missing bracket
2012-08-21 22:53:02 -0400	Fixed typo in help text and added functionality for multiple integrations by parts.
2012-08-15 15:04:58 -0400	Added a changelog
2012-08-15 10:56:28 -0400	Corrected Robb's bug for power=1
2012-08-14 14:23:00 -0400	Version 0.2
2012-08-14 13:45:10 -0400	Initial commit

LaTeX Template

Here is a LaTeX template that I use with the Listings package to make Maple code look nice. Here it is, as a starter:


	{morekeywords={true, false, try, catch, return, break, error, 
		module, export, local, option, in, use, and, or, not, 
		xor, xnor, if, then, elif, else, fi, while, for, from, 
		by, to, do, od, proc, nargs, local, global, end, NULL}}

	%Line breaking behaviour
	%  breakatwhitespace=true
\lstset{prebreak=\raisebox{0ex}[0ex][0ex]{\ensuremath{\rhookswarrow}}} % requires \usepackage{MnSymbol}
\lstset{postbreak=\raisebox{0ex}[0ex][0ex]{\ensuremath{\rcurvearrowse\space}}} % requires \usepackage{MnSymbol}